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<text fn="Arial" fh="15" fc="16777215" fa="1" charset="0">Hydrogen is the most widespread element in the universe</text>
<text fn="Arial" fh="15" fc="16777215" fa="1" charset="238">. It is the basic component of stars. It is estimated that the number of the atoms of hydrogen in space is more than six times higher than the number of atoms of the reamaining elements.</text>
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<text fn="Arial" fh="15" fc="16777215" fa="1" charset="238">Also on the Earth hydrogen a popular element. It occurs mainly in compounds</text>
<text fn="Arial" fh="15" fc="16777215" fa="1" charset="0">. The most widespread compound of hydrogen is water </text>
<text fn="Arial" fh="15" fc="16777215" fa="1" charset="238">O. Hydrogen, along with coal, is also the main building material of animated matter. Traces of free hydrogen </text>
<text fn="Arial" fh="15" fc="16777215" fa="1" charset="238">% parts by volume) occur in the upper parts of the atmosphere. Hydrogen accounts for 0,152 percentage by weight of the Earth's crust. It is the 10th most popular element on the Earth</text>